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8 Tips for Video Storytelling

Through the use of videos, storytelling has changed a lot in recent years. We give tips and show successful examples so that your videos will also be a success.

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Video storytelling is an increasingly popular way for companies to engage their target audiences and communicate their brand message. While storytelling is traditionally associated with consumer-facing brands, B2B companies are finding that it can also be an effective way to connect with their target audience. In this article, we'll explore some of the best B2B examples of storytelling in video and discuss the key elements that make these videos successful.

Definition of storytelling

Video storytelling is using words, images, and sound to tell a story that engages an audience, conveys a message, and evokes an emotional response. Storytelling can take many forms, from traditional oral storytelling to written stories, theater, film, and digital media.

How has storytelling changed through the use of video?

Video has had a profound impact on traditional video storytelling over time. It has made storytelling more immersive, accessible, visual, shareable and branded. Through the use of music, video thumbnails, sound effects and visuals, viewers can feel like they are part of the story.

With the advent of social media and video platforms like YouTube and Vimeo, digital storytelling in marketing has become more democratic and less exclusive. Videos and on-demand videos are inherently easier to share than other forms of content, making it easier for compelling stories to reach a wider audience. Videos have become an essential part of many brands' content and event marketing strategies.

Tips for successful storytelling

1) Know your audience

To create a successful video, it's important to know your target audience. You should know the audience you want to reach, their interests, and the topics that are important to them. With this knowledge, you can craft your story and messages to resonate with the target audience and develop a video content marketing strategy.

2) Identify your message

Before you begin, it's important to have a clear message or theme you want to convey. This message should be the focus of your video, and everything from the script to the visuals should support it. Your message should be simple, clear, and focused. This is especially true for the upper stages of the customer journey.

3) Create a story arc

Every story has a beginning, middle, and end, and it's important to structure your video around this narrative arc. In the beginning, you should introduce your topic and set the scene. In the middle, you should build tension, create conflict, or convey information. And at the end, you should offer a resolution, summarize the key points, and give the viewer a clear message to take away.

4) Use visuals to enhance the story

The images you choose can be as important as the words you use. Think about how you can use images, graphics, or video footage to tell your story. Images can create a certain mood and atmosphere, convey emotion, and add depth to your narrative. Also, choose an appropriate thumbnail for the video.

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5) Use sound to create mood

Music, sound effects, and voiceovers can be used to create mood and emotion in your video. With the right soundtrack, you can make your viewers feel happy, sad, or even scared. Use sound to enhance the visuals and create a more immersive experience for your audience.

6) Cut recklessly

A successful video must be fast-paced, engaging, and easy to follow. To achieve this, it's important to edit your video ruthlessly, cutting out all unnecessary elements and tightening up the narrative. You should make sure that your video is concise and captivating without losing clarity or impact.

7) Use different storytelling techniques

There are many storytelling techniques you can use to make your video more compelling. For example, foreshadowing can create suspense and anticipation, while plot twists can surprise and delight your audience. By developing characters, you can build empathy and an emotional connection with your viewers.

8) Keep it simple

Finally, it's important to keep your video simple and compact. It's tempting to cram too much information into a video, but that can be overwhelming for your audience. Instead, limit yourself to one or two central ideas and tell them well. Remember, the point is not to provide all the answers, but to create a memorable experience for your viewers.

Woman reading book about storytelling

Storytelling examples from the B2B sector

IBM's Dear Tech Series

IBM's Dear Tech video series is a great example of visual storytelling in B2B marketing. In the series, real IBM employees share personal stories about how they use technology to solve complex business problems. The videos are authentic, relatable and humanize the brand, making it more accessible and trustworthy.

HubSpot's "Inbound Marketing" Video Series

HubSpot's "Inbound Marketing" video series is another good example of B2B storytelling. The series features expert interviews, case studies, and insights into the company's marketing strategy. By providing valuable insights and practical tips, the videos position HubSpot as a thought leader in the industry.

Cisco's documentary film "The Network

Cisco's documentary "The Network" is a longer example of B2B storytelling. The documentary tells the story of how the Internet came to be and how Cisco's technology helped shape it. The documentary is well produced and informative, and positions Cisco as an important player in the development of the Internet.

The American Express "Small Business Saturday" campaign

American Express' "Small Business Saturday" campaign is a B2B storytelling campaign aimed at small business owners. The campaign features video content that highlights the struggles and successes of small business owners and positions American Express as a partner that supports and advocates for small businesses.


These video marketing examples from the B2B sector such as corporate videos show how important it is to use personal stories, expert interviews and informative content to engage and connect with your audience.

By humanizing your brand and providing value to your audience, you can build trust and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. Whether through short content like IBM's "Dear Tech" series or longer content like Cisco's "The Network" documentary, B2B companies can use storytelling to create meaningful and impactful experiences for their audiences.

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