Event Marketing

How to convert your event website

Your event website accompanies your customers from the first impression to a long-term cooperation, which is why it must provide the information they are looking for at any time. But what are the components of a clear event website?

Table of contents

Creating an inviting and converting events website is not that easy. If you want to present your business to a specific audience through online events, then you need to keep a few things in mind.

To achieve optimal event success, it is advisable to consider the 7 levels of conversion. Only in this way can a website that is specifically tailored to events sustainably inspire employees and customers. The model documents the factors of motivation of users of a website, and can be easily applied to event websites.

Before you deal with the motivation of your participants, you should first clarify the basic factors of the website. What should be the design and a clear event registration?

Registration in particular is the be-all and end-all for a successful event. Here you should leave nothing to chance in order to make the participant management as professional as possible. You should check off the following points:

  • Before registration: Save the date and appealing event invitation management
  • Call to action (cta) for registration in a registration form
  • Data request during the event registration (personal data such as the name or a mail address)
  • Inquiry of the desired program points of the participants

What is an event website?

A website for your corporate event is the ticket to successful customer and employee retention. The goal of such an event website is to get (potential) participants excited about your event in advance.

On the website, you should have all the relevant information about your event. Think about how you want to address participants and what details you want to reveal about your event.

As a general rule, you should not reveal too little, but also not too much. Participants may be sacrificing work or free time for the event and should know in advance what the content and schedule will be.

The goal should be to get as many customers or employees as possible to register for your event through the engaging event registration page. Many virtual event platforms offer CRM (Customer Relation Management) integration, which makes it easier to manage attendees and significantly improves the ease of use of the website. This software integrates with the invitation process and provides you with important insights into attendee behavior.

What makes a good event website?

In itself, an event website is a landing page whose goal is to convert users. To achieve this goal, it is worthwhile for event marketers to use methods and elements from neuromarketing and conversion optimization for event websites as well.

A good corporate event website should always consider the 7 levels of conversion . This refers to the following seven points that, if followed, will make users stay on a website and use it optimally:

  • Relevance: Does what is being searched for match the results presented on the event website? Is the prospect's inner dialog being used? Potential participants should feel addressed by the website.
  • Trust: Is the website reputable, and are there seals of approval? Users of an event website should be able to trust the authenticity, because only then will the website really be used. An imprint, for example, should definitely not be missing.
  • Orientation: A user-friendly website should be clearly structured and easy to use. An event landing page that is confusing and does not make important points and terms clearly visible frustrates users. Simply structured and clearly arranged websites, on the other hand, motivate users to stay longer.
  • Stimulus: Convince potential participants by using language tailored to them. Look closely at your target group to find out how you can reach them emotionally. Studies show that up to 80% of decisions are made in the limbic system.
  • Security: Users should always feel in control and be confident in their decision to participate in your event. Privacy also plays a big role these days. Users should be made aware on the website that their data will be kept confidential.
  • Convenience: In the age of the smartphone, users have long been accustomed to digital processes being simple and convenient. Registration and login on an event landing page should therefore offer the highest possible level of convenience. Even minor difficulties or too much effort can discourage users from registering for the event.
  • Evaluation: Users should not regret signing up for your event even after registration is complete. Microfeedback can help you make potential attendees feel confident.

The 7 levels of relevance

Checklist registration form

A detailed, but not too detailed, registration form is essential for any event and an important part of invitation management. The following items should be included in any attendee management software to plan an event in the best possible way:

  • Personal data
  • Travel dates
  • Special requests
  • Allergies
  • Scope of participation (program points)

Nevertheless, keep the scope of the form as slim as possible to avoid demotivation when filling it out. The above points will provide you with all the information you need for a successfully planned event. Some tools also allow you to insert so-called custom properties, i.e. user-defined fields into the form.

User registration

Color scheme and design of the event website

The color scheme and design, such as branding and whitelabeling of a website should be adapted to the event target group on the one hand, but also pragmatic on the other hand. The following explains the limbic types that can help you choose the design.

What are limbic types and how do they influence our decisions?

Limbic types are the way potential customers react to a stimulus. The concept attempts to reproduce the unconscious processes of the human brain.

There are a total of seven different types, which can vary in severity and should be addressed accordingly.

You should know which limbic type is most likely to belong to your target group and align the design of your event website accordingly. Limbic types include performers, disciplinarians, traditionalists, harmonizers, open-minded, hedonists and adventurers. Each of these groups needs event marketing tailored to them based on the limbic map.

Limbic types

Define Buyer Persona

Define the persona of your target group and keep in mind who you need to address. A CEO is likely to belong to the limbic type of a performer and thus belongs to the dominator group. If you have HR employees in your target group, it is more likely to be directed towards the Harmonizer. These require a more harmonious and balanced address.

A template for creating a persona is available here, for example.

Another model that has proven successful for this is Empathy Maps. The approach originally comes from user experience and user research, but can also be easily used in marketing and helps teams better understand what is going on in the persona.

Updated Empathy Map Canvas ©2017 David Grey Photo credit: David Gray, Gamestorming, Empathy Map Canvas, http://gamestorming.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Empathy-Map-006-PNG.png
Updated Empathy Map Canvas ©2017 David GreyPhoto credit: David Gray, Gamestorming, Empathy Map Canvas, http://gamestorming.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Empathy-Map-006-PNG.png

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Creating a perfect event website is not witchcraft. Dare to do something new to reach a high number of participants. The website is the first step to a successful event. Follow the above points and your future events will be both a quantitative and qualitative asset for your company.

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