Online events
Organize virtual meetings professionally and in a target-oriented manner

10 tips for a successful online conference

Video conferencing has become an integral part of the meeting culture in many companies. In this article, you will find ten tips for the professional and targeted design, preparation and implementation of video conferences.

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In everyday working life, video conferences and other virtual events have become a habit and often a permanent fixture. We give you ten helpful tips for the professional and targeted design, preparation and implementation of video conferences. Achieve guaranteed event success and create a positive event ROI (return on investment).

What is meant by a conference?  

A conference is a meeting of members of an organization, professional group or industry. Together, they discuss a topic of common interest.

How does a virtual conference work?  

An online meeting or webcast takes place virtually, i.e. not physically in one place. Participants in a virtual meeting can be scattered all over the world.

There are virtual meetings by telephone, Internet or video conference. For online meetings, there is a virtual meeting room. Depending on the requirements of the conference software and the chosen technology, different virtual meeting rooms are suitable.

What are the advantages of a virtual conference?  

The advantages of virtual meetings correspond to the advantages of modern communication methods:

  • Virtual meetings can take place anytime , anywhere .
  • Ad hoc meetings can be organized for short periods of time.
  • An unlimited number of participants is possible.
  • Resources can be saved by eliminating travel costs and travel time.

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What are the tips and tricks for a successful online conference?

Tip 1: Clear theme  

Every online meeting should have a specific occasion. You usually conduct simple team calls yourself. To avoid being distracted, try to discuss one topic at a time.

It's best to schedule several meetings and set a firm, clear topic and goal for each. Is it to progress a project, discuss the results, or make a decision? Do you want participants to educate themselves or share their experiences?

At congresses, for example, there is usually one theme to which all conferences, individual presentations and seminars relate. Only with a clear focus in the event can interested parties decide whether it is worth registering with you.  

Tip 2: Red thread and fixed agenda  

Meetings have a clearly defined agenda and schedule. Send the agenda to all participants and speakers in advance. This allows them to prepare and plan accordingly.

Attendees can figure out which session and topic they are interested in before the meeting. Speakers can schedule their speaking time precisely.  

Online meetings in small groups also benefit from an agenda and a fixed time frame. Identify items that need to be discussed, clarified or addressed and plan accordingly.

Potentially controversial topics during discussions take more time than the results to be presented. Here, too, it makes sense to send the agenda to the participants in good time. This is especially true if some of them need to prepare in advance.

Agenda is elaborated

Tip 3: Enable interaction

Constant listening is tiring. After an hour at the latest, attention is severely impaired and acceptance drops rapidly. Participants should be regularly involved in discussions and conversations. This should be independent of the participant's role in the meeting.

Presentations should always be punctuated by questions or opportunities to participate. In an informal setting, this might mean a warm-up game . It could also be standing up and stretching together.

In a more formal setting, a poll is a good option. Participants are encouraged to ask questions on a regular basis or on their own, which are answered in the chat.  

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Tip 4: Focus on a personal approach

In a video conference, it is often more difficult to achieve a natural flow of conversation than in a physical meeting. Movements are delayed, facial expressions and gestures may not be interpreted correctly, and participants' freedom of movement is limited. Adapt your communication behavior:

  • Always let the speaker finish.
  • Look directly into the camera.
  • Avoid frantic gestures.
  • Let the facilitator lead the contribution of the conversation.

Tip 5: Assign persons responsible for the respective tasks

In a small online meeting, you don't need moderation. However, virtual meetings for large groups can quickly seem unstructured. The moderator leads the agenda and speaks so that everyone can listen.

Furthermore, it makes sense that one person takes the minutes with the most important results and decisions. Afterwards, the minutes can be sent to the participants.

Official minutes prevent the subjective memory of the participants from seeing different results and points being forgotten. In large virtual meetings with many speakers and workshops, a responsible person should keep an eye on the chat. This allows questions and comments to be addressed in a timely manner. This is especially useful when there are a large number of participants.  

Tip 6: Technical requirements  

For professional videoconferencing, select the appropriate room in advance. The setup should be positioned and set up so that it is not disturbed by intruding crowds or background noise. Also make sure the lighting is comfortable: backlighting and direct sunlight are best avoided here. Keep reflective objects away from the camera to avoid distractions.

For virtual meetings in the home office, for example, the focus should not be on the room, but on you. The best way to do this is to sit in front of a blank, single-color wall facing the camera. Virtual meetings can theoretically be held from any device with an Internet connection and a monitor. This is usually a laptop or a system for video conferencing.

For professional meetings, you should always use powerful conference technology with a projector and - depending on requirements - several monitors. Microphones, speakers or speakerphones are best equipped with echo cancellers to suppress feedback and unpleasant echo noise. A strong Internet connection is also essential for smooth video conferencing.  

Man leads conference with professional setup

Tip 7: Preparation is the key  

Everyone knows that a videoconference with a faulty Internet connection for one participant and interruptions in the conversation is unpleasant for all participants. Therefore, test the sound, picture and transmission quality in advance so that everything starts without errors.

Tip 8: Create excitement and always offer something new

The more meetings and conferences participants attend virtually, the more tired they become of the same processes and planning projects. Especially in online meetings with external participants or potential new customers, you should be memorable. Participants should leave the meeting with a positive feeling and look forward to the next event.

Perhaps you can send your attendees something in advance to provide something outside of the virtual experience? This could be a small meal, a giveaway, or a worksheet for the meeting. Perhaps you can divide large groups into smaller circles that can meet in their own virtual meeting rooms.

Tip 9: Observe conference etiquette  

Respectful interaction also plays an important role in virtual conferences. All participants should arrive on time , listen to each other and let them finish .

An important tool is to deactivate the microphone function. In case of distracting ambient noise, mute yourself in time and turn off the camera. Get into the habit of pressing the "Disable" button when you leave your seat.

Tip 10: Do not neglect follow-up  

Virtual project meetings should be sent out to everyone, along with responsibilities and deadlines for next steps. This avoids unnecessary queries and delays or repetitions in the next meeting.

After the online meeting, you should thank all participants for attending. You should also provide data such as summaries of key events, links to any recordings , and contact information . A post on your social media channels, in particular, is a great way to re-live and share the event.

There may be a next step - namely, the goals you set before the event. Take advantage of the many opportunities to stay in touch with attendees. After a networking session, you can also give attendees a positive feeling to take with them.


Video calls and online meetings are a new professional challenge for many. With the tips and tricks mentioned above, you'll prove that you're on top of your game. Use these skills to demonstrate your ability in virtual discussions as well. By doing so, you will not only guarantee your company event success, but also create success for all future events.

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